Analogous colors are next to each other on the color wheel. Using these colors together often make people think of nature. For instance, red, yellow, and orange together can remind people of fall leaves. Shades of blue and green can make people think of the ocean or forest.
Colors don’t just affect what people think about. They can also affect how we feel, experts say. The color wheel’s “cool” colors, like blue, green, and violet, are believed to have a calming effect. That’s why the scrubs worn by doctors and nurses are often blue. “They can give people a sense of healing,” Hernandez says.
The other colors—shades of yellow, red, and orange—are thought to energize people and stimulate their appetite. That’s why many restaurants use them in their logos, says Hernandez.
Designers think about other factors when coming up with winning color. For instance, they may consider how people’s color preferences relate to their culture and background. In the end, most designers aim to use colors that appeal to a diverse group of people, says Hernandez. What colors appeal most to you? Have you ever wondered why?