Before Carson built the Locker Board, he spent a lot of time brainstorming its design. “I didn’t know exactly what the board should look like,” he says.
Then one day, inspiration struck. Carson was at a garage sale when he spotted an old, beat-up skateboard deck. That’s a flat board without wheels or hardware. Carson realized that if he were to cut the deck down, it would fit perfectly in his school locker.
Carson’s design was simple, but it took a while to perfect. While Carson was building a prototype, or testable model, his dad suggested that they go to his school and measure his locker first. Carson didn’t think he needed to. Later, he took the prototype to school. It was too big and didn’t fit!
Carson made sure to carefully measure the next board. This one had curved edges like a traditional skateboard. When Carson tested it, he found it was too wobbly to skate on.
Carson cut five different decks until he finally found a size and shape that worked. “It fits perfectly in your locker, and you can still skate on it,” he says. “It’s super fun to ride.”