To measure an odor, scientists scoop up air samples in large bags made of thick plastic. They seal the bags quickly before the smells fade. Then the samples are mailed overnight to groups of trained smellers. These experts use their noses to judge the strength of smells.
Measuring the odor in different parts of a building helps scientists determine where a smell is coming from. At the refinery in California, Ostojic found that two storage tanks were responsible for the stench.
After identifying an odor’s source, Ostojic makes a plan to get rid of it. Sometimes that means using a ventilation system to capture stinky air. Offensive molecules can then be burned or passed through filters. Goodbye, stink cloud!
In California, Ostojic showed refinery workers which valve to close to stop the smell. But the solution at every site is different. “Detective work requires a fair amount of creative thinking,” says Ostojic. “It’s quite challenging, and it’s quite fun.”